Showing 4 Properties
Total properties 4 | 4 Available | 0 Unavailable
$1,309.00 AND UP
1 Royal Rd., Edmonton, T6J 2E8
1 - 2 Beds | 1.0 Bath
Square Feet: 850
Property Style: Apartment
$1,277.00 AND UP
155 Royal Rd., Edmonton, T6J 2E9
1 - 2 Beds | 1.0 Bath
Square Feet: 850
Property Style: Apartment
$1,369.00 AND UP
216 Crown Rd., Edmonton, T6J 2E3
1 - 3 Beds | 1.0 Bath
Square Feet: 900
Property Style: Apartment
$1,909.00 AND UP
122 St. & Whitemud Fwy., Edmonton, T6J 2E4
3 Bed | 1.5 Bath
Square Feet: 1400
Property Style: Townhouse